Bluebird Grain Farms Icon


Family farmers Brooke and Sam Lucy earned a great reputation among a select group of in-the-know chefs and foodies with their tasty Emmer Farro, an ancient heirloom grain. As part of a push for expanded visibility, they enlisted the help of Seattle food marketing company Good Food Strategies.

Good Food’s research established a clear goal: Develop more sophisticated promotional materials, but keep the existing logo, and stay true to the boutique nature of the Lucys’ business. The first result of this collaboration with GFS was a brochure and a “cheat sheet” notecard for chefs. These pieces were soon followed by design for print advertising, t-shirts, and wholesale price lists.

With: Good Food Strategies


Bluebird Grain Farms Brochure Cover / DetailBluebird Grain Farms Brochure Detail 1Bluebird Grain Farms Brochure Detail 2Bluebird Grain Farms Notecard